Baby sign…What’s the Benefit?
Baby sign is a therapeutic strategy used to encourage overall expression in delayed children. Late talkers often have typical comprehension of language, but do not produce any words. It’s important to keep in mind that there is a wide range of characteristics even in children who have a diagnosis of expressive language delay. Some are largely silent, some are happily babbling with no discernable words, others are simply not producing enough words for their age. To help their children, parents often read books with the child, or use flash cards to increase vocabulary. While these are excellent things to do, the child with a true delay often does not increase their vocabulary with these techniques alone. This is because language is more complex than simply repeating words. After all, if it were that easy, they would be talking right? Here is where baby signs come in handy…(pardon the pun).
Baby signs can be true signs like “all done” or “more”. They can also be any gesture designed to express meaning in some way. For example, if a child reaches to be picked up, this is the equivalent to a baby sign. The reason SLP’s incorporate baby sign into therapy treatment plans with late talkers is simple. Vocabulary is only a portion of expressive language. Expression starts with communicative intent, or the attempt at expressing a want or need. This can come in the form of a true word, a sound, a gesture, or even looking at something with purpose. Practicing any form of expression helps improve overall language. I educate my parents of late talkers to accept any attempt at communication and give specific feedback to that attempt. For example, if a child points to the toy car and grunts, I encourage parents to say “Oh, you pointed to the car…here you go.” This is more effective than expecting the child to repeat you, and helps establish success for your child. Modeling the sign for car or any consistent gesture to represent car will help as well. If the child does not automatically imitate the sign, I encourage parents to gently help the child produce the sign and accept that as a request.
Parents may be concerned that using signs will hinder the child’s desire to use words. This is not the case, and once the child masters the word they will naturally discontinue the sign. Over two decades of research support that using signs to encourage early acquisition of expression skills facilitates verbal communication. Signing allows the delayed child to develop expression skills that will give them success over time…and success is beautiful:)
While baby sign is a simple way to help your child increase their expressive language skills, there is science to back up its significance. For more information, please refer to,,